Recurrence after totally extraperitoneal (TEP) inguinal hernia repair: the role of physical examination and ultrasound. (van Hessen et al. Hernia, 2019)

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PURPOSE: Physical examination (PE) combined with ultrasound (US) is recommended to confirm a recurrent hernia. However, the evidence is rather weak. The aim of this study was to evaluate PE and appraise the added value of US in alleged recurrent inguinal hernias after totally extraperitoneal (TEP) inguinal hernia repair. METHODS: All adult patients who were […]

Accreditation and certification requirements for hernia centers and surgeons: the ACCESS project. (Kockerling et al. Hernia, 2019)

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INTRODUCTION: There is a need for hernia centers and specialist hernia surgeons because of the increasing complexity of hernia surgery procedures due to new techniques, more difficult cases and a tailored approach with an increasing public awareness demanding optimal treatment results. Therefore, the requirements for accredited/certified hernia centers and specialist hernia surgeons should be formulated […]

Anterior cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome (ACNES). (Scheltinga & Roumen, Hernia, 2018)

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The abdominal wall is frequently overlooked as a potential source of chronic abdominal pain. In anterior cutaneous nerve entrapmentsyndrome (ACNES), irritated intercostal nerves cause severe abdominal pain. Current textbooks fail to acknowledge ACNES. Aim of the present review is to provide detailed information on patient history, physical examination, and a three-step treatment protocol including abdominal wall injections and […]